When particle revolves with uniform speed on a circular path a)no force act on it b)no excellaration acts on it c)no work is done on it d)its velocity is constant answer this mcq

To answer the multiple-choice question, let's analyze the scenario step by step:

When a particle revolves with uniform speed on a circular path, it experiences a centripetal force that keeps it moving in a curved path. The direction of this force is always pointing towards the center of the circle.

Now, let's analyze each answer choice:

a) "No force acts on it" - This statement is incorrect. As mentioned earlier, a centripetal force must act on the particle to keep it moving in a circular path.

b) "No acceleration acts on it" - This statement is incorrect. Since the velocity of the particle is changing, despite its magnitude remaining constant, it experiences acceleration. Acceleration is defined as any change in velocity, including a change in direction.

c) "No work is done on it" - This statement is correct. Work is defined as the product of force and displacement. In this scenario, since the force acting on the particle is always pointing towards the center of the circular path, the angle between the force and displacement is 90 degrees. In this case, the work done is zero, as cos(90) = 0.

d) "Its velocity is constant" - This statement is incorrect. Although the magnitude of the velocity remains constant (since the particle is moving with uniform speed), the direction of the velocity is constantly changing as it moves in a circle, indicating that the velocity vector is changing.

Therefore, the correct answer is c) no work is done on it.