Find the functional values requested in the problem;

(a) h(0)=



h(x) = 5x - 4

h(0) = 5(0) - 4 = -4
h(-11) = 5(-11) - 4 = -59

To find the functional values requested in the problem, we need to evaluate the given function h(x) at the specified values of x.

The function given is h(x) = 5x - 4.

(a) To find h(0), we substitute x = 0 into the function:
h(0) = 5(0) - 4
= 0 - 4
= -4

Therefore, h(0) = -4.

(b) To find h(-11), we substitute x = -11 into the function:
h(-11) = 5(-11) - 4
= -55 - 4
= -59

Therefore, h(-11) = -59.