A block is released from rest at the top of an incline which makes a 30 degree angle with the horizontal. The incline is 12 m long and it takes the block 25 seconds to reach the bottom. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction, between the block and the incline?


a=2s/t²=2•12/25²=0.0384 m/s²
v=at=0.0384•25=0.96 m/s


W(fr) =μ•m•g•cosα•s,
m•g•s•sinα= mv²/2+ μ•m•g•cosα•s,

μ ={2g•s•sinα - v²}/2•g•cosα•s=
=tanα - v²/2•g•s •cosα

To find the coefficient of kinetic friction, we need to consider the forces acting on the block as it moves down the incline.

First, let's analyze the forces involved:

1. Gravitational Force (Fg): This force acts vertically downward and can be calculated using the formula Fg = m * g, where m is the mass of the block and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2).

2. Normal Force (Fn): This force acts perpendicular to the incline and can be calculated as Fn = m * g * cos(theta), where theta is the angle of the incline.

3. Frictional Force (Ff): This force acts parallel to the incline and opposes the motion of the block. It can be calculated as Ff = m * g * sin(theta) * μ, where μ is the coefficient of kinetic friction.

Now, let's consider the motion of the block:

The block is released from rest, which means its initial velocity is zero. The block will accelerate as it moves down the incline, so we can use the kinematic equation:

s = ut + (1/2) * a * t^2

- s is the distance traveled (12 m in this case),
- u is the initial velocity (0 m/s),
- a is the acceleration,
- t is the time taken (25 s).

Since we are given the length of the incline, we can find the acceleration, a, by substituting the known values into the equation:

12 = 0.5 * a * (25^2)

Solving for a, we find:

a = (2 * 12) / (25^2)

Now, using this value of acceleration, we can find the frictional force acting on the block using the equation:

Ff = m * g * sin(theta) * μ

Since we know the block is moving at a constant speed down the incline, the frictional force is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the component of the gravitational force along the incline. Therefore, we have:

Ff = m * g * sin(theta) * μ = m * g * sin(theta)

Equating this to our previously calculated acceleration:

m * g * sin(theta) = (2 * 12) / (25^2)

Now, we can solve for the coefficient of kinetic friction, μ:

μ = (2 * 12) / (m * g * sin(theta) * 25^2)

However, since we are not given the values of mass or gravity, we can't find the exact value of the coefficient of kinetic friction without additional information.