if your exponents are the same but your base's are differnt how do you simplify that? example : (-3)^2 * -5^2

not much to do except evaluate it

(-3)^2 = 9
-5^2 = -25
9 * -25 = -225

Now, if you meant (-5)^2, things are diferent

To simplify an expression with exponents where the bases are different, you can evaluate each term separately and then perform the arithmetic operations. Let's simplify the given example:

(-3)^2 * -5^2

First, evaluate each exponent separately:

(-3)^2 = (-3) * (-3) = 9
-5^2 = -5 * -5 = 25

Now substitute the values back into the expression:

9 * 25

Finally, perform the multiplication operation:

9 * 25 = 225

Therefore, (-3)^2 * -5^2 simplifies to 225.