Susie's best long jump this season was 4.02 meters. her worst long jump for the season was 3.72 meters. Which of the following could not be the distance of any of her long jumps during the season

A.4 meters

In a gymnastics competition 4 of the 5 participants have completed their performances. Their scores are 9.61 9.66 9.64 and 9.60. The highest score wins. Which is the least possible score that will enable the last participant to win the competition



To determine which of the following distances could not be the distance of any of Susie's long jumps during the season, we need to compare each distance to her best and worst long jumps.

Susie's best long jump this season was 4.02 meters, and her worst long jump was 3.72 meters. Therefore, any distance less than or equal to 3.72 meters and any distance greater than or equal to 4.02 meters is possible.

Now let's check each option:
A. 4 meters: This distance is greater than or equal to her worst jump (3.72 meters) and less than or equal to her best jump (4.02 meters). Therefore, 4 meters could be the distance of one of her long jumps.

B. 4.81 meters: This distance is greater than her best jump (4.02 meters) and therefore could not be the distance of any of her long jumps.

C. 3.79 meters: This distance is greater than her worst jump (3.72 meters) and less than or equal to her best jump (4.02 meters). Therefore, 3.79 meters could be the distance of one of her long jumps.

D. 3.7 meters: This distance is less than her worst jump (3.72 meters) and therefore could not be the distance of any of her long jumps.

Based on the analysis, the distance that could not be the distance of any of Susie's long jumps during the season is option D, 3.7 meters.
