maria bought two fans for rs.3605 .she sold one at the profit of 15% and the other at a loss of 9%. if maria got the same amount for each fan ,find the cost price of each fan ??

To find the cost price of each fan, we can use the concept of weighted averages.

Let's assume the cost price of the first fan is "x" rupees.

Since we know that she sold the first fan at a profit of 15%, the selling price of the first fan would be (x + 15% of x).

So, the selling price of the first fan = x + 0.15x = 1.15x.

Now, let's assume the cost price of the second fan is "y" rupees.

Since we know that she sold the second fan at a loss of 9%, the selling price of the second fan would be (y - 9% of y).

So, the selling price of the second fan = y - 0.09y = 0.91y.

According to the given information, Maria got the same amount for both fans. So, we can equate the selling prices of the two fans:

1.15x = 0.91y

Now, we know that Maria bought two fans for a total of Rs. 3605. So, we can set up another equation:

x + y = 3605

We have a system of two equations:

1.15x = 0.91y
x + y = 3605

We can solve this system of equations to find the values of x and y, which represent the cost price of each fan.