How to divide equally a 6cm line into 7 equall parts?

divide the total length by 7 to get the length of each piece:

6/7 cm

To divide a 6cm line into 7 equal parts, you can follow these steps:

1. Take a ruler or any straight edge and place it horizontally along the 6cm line.
2. Start by marking the two endpoints of the line with two small points.
3. With the ruler still in place, mark the halfway point between the two endpoints. This will divide the line into two equal parts, each measuring 3cm.
4. Now, using the ruler, take the leftmost endpoint and align it with the midpoint you just marked. Make a small mark at the point where the ruler intersects with the line. This will divide the left side into two equal parts, each measuring 1.5cm.
5. Next, use the same process for the right side. Move the ruler so that the rightmost endpoint aligns with the midpoint, and create another mark where the ruler intersects with the line. This will also divide the right side into two equal parts, each measuring 1.5cm.
6. Finally, repeat the process for the newly formed segments. Take the leftmost endpoint of the left segment and align it with the corresponding midpoint. Make another mark where the ruler intersects with the line. This will divide that smaller segment into two equal parts, each measuring 0.75cm.
7. Repeat the same process for the remaining segments until you have divided the entire 6cm line into 7 equal parts.

By following this method, you can divide the 6cm line into 7 equal parts.