I need help interpreting this question, In Isaiah 38 how did Hezekiah feel when he found out he was going to die, some typical or expected things? thanks

To interpret the question, we need to understand the context. Isaiah 38 is a chapter in the biblical book of Isaiah, which recounts the story of Hezekiah, the king of Judah. To find out how Hezekiah felt when he learned of his impending death, we can refer to the specific verses in Isaiah 38.

Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Open a Bible or visit a reputable online Bible resource. Websites like BibleGateway, BibleHub, or the YouVersion Bible App provide various translations and can be accessed for free.

2. Navigate to the book of Isaiah. Isaiah is one of the prophetic books in the Old Testament.

3. Once in the book of Isaiah, locate chapter 38. This chapter focuses on the story of Hezekiah's illness and recovery.

4. Read through the chapter, paying close attention to the verses that mention how Hezekiah felt upon hearing news of his imminent death. In this case, look for specific verses or passages that provide insights into Hezekiah's emotions during this time.

5. Analyze the text and make note of any indications of Hezekiah's feelings or responses. This may include his prayers, reactions, or conversations with God or other people.

By following these steps, you will be able to interpret the question and find the information you seek about Hezekiah's emotions when he discovered he was going to die.