Show how to make one addend a ten. Complete the new addition sentence.

22+49= ?

---- + ---- =

Do it the same way I showed you in your last post.

22+49 = 71

10+61 = 71


22 + 49=

To make one addend a ten, we need to subtract 1 from that addend and add it to the other addend.

Let's apply this to the given addition sentence: 22 + 49 = ?

We will make the addend 49 a ten. We subtract 1 from 49, which gives us 48. Then, we add 1 to the other addend, 22, resulting in 23.

Now we can complete the new addition sentence:

23 + 48 = ?

Simply add the new addends to find the sum:

23 + 48 = 71

Therefore, the new addition sentence is:

22 + 49 = 23 + 48 = 71