A main ________ shows action and has a meaning on its own.

A) adjective
B) adverb
C) noun
D) pronoun
E) verb
I said A for my answer


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I meant to say E was my answer Thanks for the sites too:)

E is correct.

Yeah i agree with a verb. Verb shows what your doing like riding a bicycle and playing basketball

The correct answer is E) verb.

To determine the answer, let's break down the question and the options:

The question asks for a word that "shows action and has a meaning on its own."

A) Adjective: Adjectives describe or modify nouns and pronouns. They do not express action and cannot stand alone with a complete meaning.

B) Adverb: Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Like adjectives, they do not express action and cannot stand alone with a complete meaning.

C) Noun: Nouns are words that name people, places, things, or ideas. They do not express action.

D) Pronoun: Pronouns are words used to replace nouns or noun phrases. They do not express action.

E) Verb: Verbs are words that express actions, occurrences, or states of being. They can stand alone and have a complete meaning. They are the only option that matches the given criteria.

Therefore, the correct answer is E) verb.