I have to choose a variable and write inequality

For less than or equal to I'm using these keys <|
Cuz I don't Jon how to show when I type

1. A van can hold a maximum of 8 passengers
I wrote V <| 8
V is less than or equal to 8

2. To apply for a job you need to type at least 80 words a minute
I wrote.
t <| 80
T is less than or equal to 80

Are these right?

most folks use <= or >=, not <| or >|

#1 is correct,
#2 should be t >= 80 where t = typing speed

"at least" means "greater than or equal to". It's a minimum value.

"at most" gives a maximum value, as in #1 above.

Yes, you are almost correct in writing the inequalities for the given situations. However, you need to use the appropriate symbol for "less than or equal to." Instead of <|, you should use ≤ symbol, which represents "less than or equal to." Here's the corrected version of your inequalities:

1. A van can hold a maximum of 8 passengers:
V ≤ 8

2. To apply for a job, you need to type at least 80 words per minute:
t ≥ 80

Using the correct symbols, your inequalities indicate that the number of passengers (V) in the van must be less than or equal to 8, and the typing speed (t) should be greater than or equal to 80 words per minute.