I need to put these words into sentences using correct verbsto answer the question below.

“Qué estás haciendo?”
cepillarse los dientes, maquillarse, bañarse, sacar la basura, acostarse, ponerse nervioso/a

If you post your answers, I'll send them to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

The correct question is: "¿Qué estás haciendo?" Do not forget the punctuation marks. Present tense, the answer is for first person (Yo). I give you some help. Look: cepillarse - me cepillo, maquillarse - me maquillo, bañarse - me baño, acostarse - me acuesto, ponerse nervioso/a - me pongo nervioso/a, there is a little difference in the verb "sacar", you can see the difference?

In this case, the first answer is:
" ¿Qué estás haciendo? Me estoy cepillando los dientes." You can also answer: "Me cepillo los dientes". Try the others.

me estoy cepillando los dientes

me estoy maquillando
me estoy bano
me estoy sacando la basura
me estoy poniendo
me estoy nerviosa

To form the sentences using the given verbs, you need to conjugate them according to the subject pronoun and tense being used. Here are some example sentences:

1. "Estoy cepillándome los dientes." (I am brushing my teeth.)
2. "Estoy maquillándome." (I am putting on makeup.)
3. "Estoy bañándome." (I am bathing.)
4. "Estoy sacando la basura." (I am taking out the trash.)
5. "Me estoy acostando." (I am going to bed.)
6. "Me pongo nervioso/a." (I get nervous.)

Now, to answer the question "Qué estás haciendo?" (What are you doing?), you can choose one of these sentences based on the action you are currently performing.