Vector Aarrowbold points in the negative y direction and has a magnitude of 8 units. Vector Barrowbold has the same the magnitude and points in the positive x direction. Find the direction and magnitude of the following vectors.

a) Aarrowbold + Barrowbold
direction ° (counterclockwise from the +x axis)

(b) Aarrowbold − Barrowbold
direction ° (counterclockwise from the +x axis)

(c) Barrowbold − Aarrowbold
direction ° (counterclockwise from the +x axis)

I need a solution/steps to solve this. thanks!

(a)A+B= sqrt(A²+B²)

45º counterclockwise from the +x axis
A-B= sqrt(A²+B²)
135 ºcounterclockwise from the +x axis
B-A= sqrt(A²+B²)
315°(counterclockwise from the +x axis)