Which would be the best way to display the data—a bar graph, a histogram, or a line graph?

I think a bar graph because it is more accurate. please help and tell me why you chose the one you chose.

Yes. A bar graph would illustrate this data very well.

Sorry, the table, not graphy, reads this :

1998 45 in sales
1999 5 in sales
2000 15 in sales
2001 30 in sales
2002 50 in sales

So I chose bar graphs would be becuase it would be more accurate. And could start it from zero counting by fines one up. What do you think?

You're welcome.

What data?

Thank you!!!!

Hey can you give me the answers for the rest of the test please??

What did you put for your answer? Because im thinking bar graph 2

the answer is bar graph

Anything for how many people was walking for 15?

What about the histograms and line graphs.