what does the three column house icon mean in language arts

The three column house icon in language arts typically represents the concept of the three main components of reading comprehension: before, during, and after reading strategies. These strategies help students approach a text effectively and improve their understanding of the material.

To get a better understanding of the specific meaning and purpose of the three column house icon in your language arts class, you could:

1. Consult your textbook or course materials: Look for any explanations or references to the icon in your language arts textbook or study guide. Read the relevant sections to understand the intended purpose and application.

2. Ask your teacher or instructor: Your language arts teacher is an excellent resource for clarification. Raise your hand during class or schedule a time to speak with them to ask about the meaning of the three column house icon and how it relates to your language arts lessons.

3. Research online: Use reliable educational websites, forums, or educational resources dedicated to language arts. Search for terms such as "three column house icon in language arts" or similar keywords to find explanations and resources that discuss its meaning.

Remember, the meaning of symbols or icons can vary depending on the context and specific curriculum used in your language arts class. Seeking clarification from your teacher or consulting reliable resources is always the best way to understand the intended meaning behind such symbols.