The area of a rectangle is 20 square inches. The length of the rectangle is 1 inch longer than the width. What are the length and width of the rectangle?

width -- x

length -- x+1

x(x+1) = 20
x^2 + x - 20 = 0
(x+5)(x-4) = 0
x = 4 or a silly answer of x = -5

width is 4, length is 5

Janice plans to build a rectangular table top with an area of 60+20r square inches. The width of the table top is 10 inches as shown in the following diagram.

it is 3.7in

I'm sorry, but I don't see any diagram or further information regarding a rectangular table top. Could you please provide more details or a diagram?


How many solutions does this equation have?

Bot GPT 3.5
