We have to build a catapult that can launch a marshmallow at least 10 feet. Can anyone give me any ideas?

Think along the lines of a mouse trap, or better yet a rat trap. That spring should catapult a marshmallow across the room (and splatter it to the wall).

Certainly! Building a catapult can be a fun and challenging project. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Simple Lever Catapult: You can build a simple lever catapult using materials like popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and a spoon. Stack popsicle sticks together to form the base and arm of the catapult. Attach the spoon to the top of the arm, acting as the holder for the marshmallow. Use rubber bands to create tension for launching.

2. Trebuchet: A trebuchet is another type of catapult that uses a counterweight to launch projectiles. To build a small trebuchet, use materials like wooden dowels, string, and a plastic container filled with sand or rocks as the counterweight. Adjust the counterweight and sling length to achieve the desired distance.

3. PVC Pipe Catapult: Consider using PVC pipes for a sturdier design. Connect PVC pipes and fittings to create a frame for your catapult. Use bungee cords or surgical tubing as the power source for launching. Adjust the length and tension to achieve the desired distance.

Remember, safety is crucial, so ensure that the materials you use are suitable for launching marshmallows. Additionally, always test and adjust your design carefully to avoid accidents and achieve the desired range.

Feel free to search online for step-by-step instructions, images, or videos of catapult designs to find inspiration and choose the one that best suits your resources and abilities. Have fun building your catapult and launching those marshmallows!