ignoring air resistance, describe how an object would fall to the ground using the words velocity and acceleration

for a ball that is thrown straight up:
a.) the velocity is __on the way up (increasing, decreasing, constant, zero)
b.)the velocity is __at the very top (increasing, decreasing, constant, zero)
c.)the velocity is __on the way down(increasing, decreasing, constant, zero)
d.)the acceleration is __on the way up (increasing, decreasing, constant, zero)
e.)the acceleration is __at the very top (increasing, decreasing, constant, zero)
f.)the acceleration is __on the way down(increasing, decreasing, constant, zero)

a.) the velocity is decreasing on the way up

b.)the velocity is zero at the very top
c.)the velocity is increasing on the way down
d.)the acceleration is constant on the way up
e.)the acceleration is constant at the very top
f.)the acceleration is constant on the way down

To answer these questions, let's first understand the concepts of velocity and acceleration in relation to the motion of the ball.

Velocity refers to the rate at which the position of an object changes with respect to time. It includes both speed and direction. Acceleration, on the other hand, is the rate at which an object's velocity changes with respect to time. It can be positive (increasing velocity), negative (decreasing velocity), or zero (constant velocity).

Now let's apply these concepts to the motion of a ball thrown straight up.

a) On the way up, the velocity of the ball is decreasing. This is because the ball is moving upward against the force of gravity, which is constantly pulling it downward. As the ball moves higher, the gravitational force gradually reduces its upward velocity until it reaches its maximum height.

b) At the very top of its trajectory, the ball briefly comes to a stop. Thus, its velocity is zero. This occurs because the ball reaches its maximum height, and gravity momentarily brings it to rest before pulling it back down.

c) On the way down, the velocity of the ball is increasing. As gravity pulls the ball downward, it accelerates, increasing its velocity. The velocity continues to increase until the ball reaches the ground.

d) The acceleration of the ball on the way up is constant, and it is negative. Gravity pulls the ball down, causing it to decelerate as it moves upward against this force.

e) At the very top, when the ball momentarily stops, the acceleration is zero. This happens because the direction of motion changes from upward to downward, and when the ball is momentarily at rest, there is no change in velocity.

f) On the way down, the acceleration remains constant. It remains negative as gravity continues to pull the ball downward, causing it to accelerate.

To summarize:
a) Velocity is decreasing on the way up.
b) Velocity is zero at the very top.
c) Velocity is increasing on the way down.
d) Acceleration is negative and constant on the way up.
e) Acceleration is zero at the very top.
f) Acceleration is negative and constant on the way down.