Game tickets for 1 adult and 2 kids is $21. The adult ticket is $3 more than the kid ticket.

How much does adult ticket cost?
How much does a child ticket cost?
Use a let statement. Write an equation.

(21-3) / 3 = x
X = $6 (child ticket)

X + 3 = $9 (adult ticket)

I know how to work it out, but not sure if I am writing the equation correctly

Got this answered .. Thx!!

To write the equation correctly, let's first define the variables:

Let's call the cost of the child ticket "c"
Since the adult ticket is $3 more than the child ticket, the cost of the adult ticket can be defined as "c + $3".

According to the given information, the total cost of 1 adult and 2 kids tickets is $21.

So, the equation can be written as:
(c + $3) + 2c = $21

Now, let's solve the equation to find the values of c and (c + $3):

3c + $3 = $21
3c = $21 - $3
3c = $18
c = $18 / 3
c = $6

The child ticket costs $6.

To find the cost of the adult ticket, we can substitute the value of c back into the equation:
(c + $3) + 2c = $21
($6 + $3) + 2($6) = $21
$9 + $12 = $21

So, the adult ticket costs $9.

To summarize:
The child ticket costs $6, and the adult ticket costs $9.