What is a good grabber for an Hammurabi's Code essay???

Hammurabi made a strict set of laws one mistake you make you will regret it.

Hammurabi made a set of laws one mistake you make you will regret.

Hammurabi who was the king of Ancient Babylon produced a set of laws displayed on pillars that were put around town to make sure everything can consist in “an eye for an eye.”

Almost 4,000 years ago, King Hammurabi ruled the kingdom of Babylon, a part of Mesopotamia. He gave the world one of its oldest sets of laws. Archaeologists found the Code (collection of laws) of Hammuraabi carved on a black stone slab called a Stele

Spare the rod and spoil the kingdom.

Hammurabis code inclued nearly 300 laws. Some laws have to do with crimes such as robbery and murder. The code states specific punishments for these crimes. For example one law reads, “If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out”, Although such punishments may sound cruel by modern standards.


Idfk i need some good ones too for a just grabber 🥲

when I find a hamburger cheeseburger fortnite Among Us i will eat toes

i need a unjust grabber

An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth!