please help me solve , 1/8(x+230)=200


1/8x + 28.75 = 200

1/8x = 200 - 28.75

1/8x = 171.25

x = 171.25 / (1/8)

x = 171.25 * 8

x = 1,370


1/8X= 171.25


To solve the equation 1/8(x + 230) = 200, follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the 1/8 to the terms inside the parentheses:
(1/8) * (x + 230) = 200
(1/8) * x + (1/8) * 230 = 200
(1/8) * x + 230/8 = 200
(1/8) * x + 28.75 = 200

Step 2: Simplify the equation by converting the fractions to decimals:
0.125x + 28.75 = 200

Step 3: Isolate the variable x by subtracting 28.75 from both sides:
0.125x + 28.75 - 28.75 = 200 - 28.75
0.125x = 171.25

Step 4: Solve for x by dividing both sides by 0.125:
(0.125x)/0.125 = 171.25/0.125
x = 1370

Therefore, the solution to the equation 1/8(x + 230) = 200 is x = 1370.