what is cubefor # 64

Are you looking for the cube root of 64? Or do you want to know what 64 cubed (64^3) is?

Well, I'm not sure how to solve this with a formula but the cubed root of 64 happens to be 4.

Maybe you could say x^3=64 thus x=(64)^(1/3). I'm sorry, honestly I've never solved for a cube by hand.

To find the cube of a number, you need to raise that number to the power of 3. In this case, you want to find the cube of 64.

To calculate the cube of 64, you can multiply 64 by itself twice:

Cube of 64 = 64 × 64 × 64

Performing the calculations:

64 × 64 = 4096
4096 × 64 = 262,144

Therefore, the cube of 64 is 262,144.