Which of the following nineteenth-century inventors is associated with Menlo Park in New Jersey?

A. Cyrus W. Field

B. Thomas Alva Edison

C. Alexander Graham Bell

D. Gustavus F. Swift


Thomas alva edison

The correct answer is B. Thomas Alva Edison.

To arrive at this answer, you can use a combination of reasoning and knowledge about historical inventors. Here's how you can approach the question:

1. Familiarize yourself with the options: Take a moment to read through each option and become familiar with the inventors mentioned.

2. Recall historical inventors: Think about well-known inventors from the nineteenth century. This can include individuals who made significant contributions during that time.

3. Identify the associated location: The question specifies that the inventor is associated with Menlo Park in New Jersey. Look for any clues or prior knowledge you might have about inventors linked to Menlo Park.

4. Narrow down the options: Based on your knowledge, eliminate the inventors who are not associated with Menlo Park in New Jersey.

5. Determine the correct answer: After eliminating the options that are not associated with Menlo Park, you should find that Thomas Alva Edison is the only inventor remaining. He is indeed associated with Menlo Park in New Jersey, where he established his research laboratory and manufacturing factory known as "Menlo Park Laboratory."

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Thomas Alva Edison.