The sum of two positive numbers is 90. Find a function that models their product P in terms of x, one of the numbers.

Well, let's call one of the numbers "x" and the other number "y" (because I'm not as creative with variable names as I am with jokes). We know that the sum of two positive numbers is 90, so we can write the equation as:

x + y = 90

Now, we need to find a function that models their product "P" in terms of x. To do this, let's solve the first equation for y:

y = 90 - x

Okay, now we know that P is the product of x and y. So, our function would be:

P(x) = x * y

Substituting in the value for y that we found earlier, we get:

P(x) = x * (90 - x)

And there you have it! The function that models the product P in terms of x is P(x) = x * (90 - x). Now let's hope we don't multiply any clown noses in the process!

Let's assume that one of the positive numbers is denoted as x. Since the sum of the two positive numbers is 90, we can express the other number as 90 - x.

The product of two numbers, x and (90 - x), can be represented as a function P(x) = x * (90 - x).

Simplifying this function will give us the desired model. Thus, the function that models the product P in terms of x is P(x) = 90x - x^2.

To find a function that models the product of two positive numbers, we can start by assigning variables to the numbers involved.

Let's say the first positive number is x, and since the sum of two positive numbers is 90, the second positive number would be 90 - x.

The product of two numbers can be represented as the multiplication of the two numbers. In this case, the product P can be represented as:

P = x * (90 - x)

Simplifying the equation:

P = 90x - x^2

Therefore, the function that models the product P in terms of x, one of the numbers, is:

P(x) = 90x - x^2

P = x(90-x)