Rank C2H6O, C3H8O and C4H^10 O in terms of IMF and explain their structures? neeed heeelppp.thank you

Empirical formulas are no help. You need at least to put them into a line formula such as

CH3CH2OH or whatever it is.

Based on their boiling point, CH3CH2OH bpt. 78C, CH3CH2CH2OH bpt. 97C, CH3CH2CH2CH2OH bpt. 118 C how will I be able to rank these three in terms of strength of their IMF.Pls kindly explain it they gave this a a homework and never been discussed in class. thank you

Generally these IMF forces (for these kinds of molecular attractions) increase with increasing "comlexity" or increasing molar mass. There are more electrons in the heavier molecules. they are more easily polarized, thus the attraction between molecules is more and the boiling point rises.

thanks a lot i was waiting for your comment

To rank C2H6O, C3H8O, and C4H10O in terms of intermolecular forces (IMF), you need to consider the types of IMF present in each compound and their relative strengths. IMF is the force of attraction between molecules, and it can be influenced by several factors, including molecular size, shape, and polarity.

C2H6O is known as ethanol, which consists of two carbon atoms, six hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom. The structure of ethanol is as follows:

H - C - C - O - H

Ethanol has three types of IMF: dipole-dipole interactions, hydrogen bonding, and London dispersion forces.

Dipole-dipole interactions occur due to the polarity of the molecule. The oxygen atom is more electronegative than carbon and hydrogen, resulting in a partial negative charge on the oxygen atom and partial positive charges on the hydrogen atoms. These opposite charges attract each other, creating dipole-dipole interactions.

Hydrogen bonding is a special type of dipole-dipole interaction that occurs when a hydrogen atom is bonded to an electronegative atom (such as oxygen or nitrogen). In ethanol, hydrogen bonding occurs between the oxygen atom and the hydrogen atoms of neighboring ethanol molecules.

London dispersion forces, also known as van der Waals forces, arise from temporary fluctuations in electron distribution. Even though ethanol is a polar molecule and has dipole-dipole interactions, it also exhibits London dispersion forces since all molecules have temporary fluctuations in electron distribution.

C3H8O is known as propanol, and it contains three carbon atoms, eight hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom. The structure of propanol is as follows:

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H - C - C - C - O - H
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Propanol also has three types of IMF: dipole-dipole interactions, hydrogen bonding, and London dispersion forces. The dipole-dipole interactions and hydrogen bonding in propanol are similar to those in ethanol since both molecules have similar functional groups.

C4H10O is known as butanol, which contains four carbon atoms, ten hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom. The structure of butanol is as follows:

| |
H - C - C - C - C - O - H
| |

Butanol also has dipole-dipole interactions, hydrogen bonding, and London dispersion forces, similar to ethanol and propanol.

Now, to rank these compounds in terms of IMF strength, you would consider hydrogen bonding as the strongest IMF, followed by dipole-dipole interactions, and then London dispersion forces.

Therefore, the ranking of these compounds in terms of IMF strength would be:
1. C2H6O (ethanol)
2. C3H8O (propanol)
3. C4H10O (butanol)

Keep in mind that all three compounds have similar IMF, but the number of carbon atoms in each compound increases, resulting in larger molecules and slightly stronger dispersion forces.