hannah and francine has $120. Hannah and peter has $230. Peter has 6 times as much money as francine . how much money does hannah have?

To solve this problem, let's assign variables to the unknown values:

Let H represent the amount of money Hannah has.
Let F represent the amount of money Francine has.
Let P represent the amount of money Peter has.

From the information given, we can determine the following equations:

1) H + F = $120
2) H + P = $230
3) P = 6F

To find the value of H (the amount of money Hannah has), we need to eliminate the variables F and P from the equations. We can substitute equations 2 and 3 into equation 1 to eliminate the variable F:

(H + P) + (H + P)/6 = $120
Multiplying through by 6 to clear the fraction:
6(H + P) + (H + P) = $720
Combining like terms:
7H + 7P = $720
Dividing through by 7:
H + P = $103.33

Now we have a new equation with only H and P as variables.

Substituting equation 2 into the equation H + P = $103.33:

H + $230 = $103.33
Subtracting $230 from both sides of the equation:
H = $103.33 - $230
H = -$126.67

This result implies that Hannah has a negative amount of money, which doesn't make sense in the context of the problem. Therefore, there must be a mistake in the information or calculations provided.

Please double-check the values and equations provided to ensure accuracy.