Barbara's due date was over 2 weeks ago. Dr. Sally told Barbara that her baby is postmature, so she wants to induce labor. What is probably Dr. Sally's greatest concern regarding the health of Barbara's baby?

A. The baby might be brain damaged.

B. Barbara might be carrying twins.

C. Barbara might not be able to use Lamaze.

D. The baby might be exceptionally long and thin.

My choice is A.

I agree.

Dr. Sally's greatest concern regarding the health of Barbara's baby is likely option A, which states that the baby might be brain damaged. To understand why this is the case, we need to consider what postmaturity means.

Postmaturity refers to a situation where a pregnancy has gone beyond the normal gestation period, which is typically around 40 weeks. When a pregnancy exceeds this time frame, the placenta may become less efficient in providing oxygen and nutrients to the baby. This puts the baby at risk of several complications, including potential brain damage.

The longer the baby remains in the womb after the due date, the higher the risks become. As time goes on, the placenta may deteriorate, leading to decreased blood flow and oxygen supply to the baby. This can potentially affect the baby's brain development and function.

Therefore, Dr. Sally's concern about potential brain damage is valid in this scenario. It is essential to induce labor to ensure the baby's health and prevent any further risks associated with postmaturity.