How is it equal to?

because as long as the number(4) is right after the decimal point it doesnt matter how many 0's are in front of decimal or after the 4. think of it in dollar amount 0.4 is 0dollars and 40 cents. .40 is still 0 dollars and 40 cents thus 0.4=.40 if it were a different number than 0 than it would be different.... does that make sense?

I get it now the numbers 0.4 and 0.40 are the same. Thank you Dan!

your welcome! anytime :)

To determine whether two things are equal, you can use the equality operator, which is typically represented by the double equal sign (==) in many programming languages.

Here is an example:

x = 5
y = 5

To check if x is equal to y, you can use the equality operator as follows:

if x == y:
print("x and y are equal")

In this case, x and y have the same value (5), so the condition evaluates to true, and the message "x and y are equal" is printed.

It's important to note that the equality operator checks for value equality, meaning that the values of the two variables are the same. This differs from the assignment operator (=), which is used to assign a value to a variable.

If you want to compare whether two variables refer to the same object or memory location, you can use the identity operator (is). Here is an example:

if x is y:
print("x and y refer to the same object")

However, for simple values like integers or strings, it is generally more common to use the equality operator (==) to check for value equality.