4. Point E is located at (–2, 2) and point F is located at (4, –6). What is the distance between points E and F?

a. square root of 52
b. square root of 28
c. 10
d. square root of 20

5. In which quadrant is the point (x, y) located if x is negative and y is positive?

a. II
b. III
c. IV
d. I

6. Point A(8, –10) is reflected over the y-axis. Write the coordinates of A'.

a. (–8, –10)
b. (8, 10)
c. (8, –10)
d. (–8, 10)


1.) 15 cm
2.) 12 cm
3.) Q
4.) 10
5.) 28
6.) II
7.) (-8, -10)
8.) 5
9.) my answer:
a: (x, y) - (x+1, y+3)
b: (-2, 5) - (-2+1, -5+3) - (-1, -2)

hope that helps guys I got 8/8 with the ungraded question.


Dont say it
Dont say it
Dont say it
Dont say it
Dont say it
Dont say it
Dont say it
btw amanda everyones putting wat they think is right, if its not then too bad, you need to chill and stop cussing and getting mad at a lil thing. if u needed help well then too bad everyones not always correct and u got it wrong. maybe next time not depend ur scores on someone else :)

someone awesome c: is awesome i just did the test and got a 100%.

She is right I got a 100% with the ungraded question!!!!!! I am so grateful u saved my life!

4. The answer is c. 10

henry is wrong.

I go to connexus and you do realize that if you give out a work pad answer and you copy and paste it, even if you reword it the teachers will find out you used Jiskha as a source and you will be talked to?

Yeah, Anonymous is right I go to connexus as well and they will find out no matter what teacher. There is a website provided called CheckMyWork and teachers and students use it to be sure they are not plagiarizing and or cheating in any sort of way. If you want to use Jiskha, site the resource. However, the honor roll specifically says, I will abide school policies and not give or receive any unauthorized help along with submitting my own work.

Well if I'm looking up the answers on my phone and not my school computer how will they track me?

This website should not be deleted and was not for cheating it was for homework HELP but you can still cheat with it

It seems I have not been talked to yet and ive been using the workpad cheatsheets from the beginning. maybe its just because I always have incognito as my homepage? idk if what u guys are saying is true but just wanted to say someone awesome is a frickin savior thx