How do you round off?

First you need to know what you are rounding off to -- the nearest ten, the nearest cent, the nearest 100? . . .

Here's an example:


Round 1558.23 to the nearest tenth:
1158.23 is between 1158.2 and 1158.3; it's closer to 1158.2, so 1158.23 rounded to the nearest tenth is 1158.2

Round 1158.23 to the nearest whole number: 1158.23 is between the whole numbers 1158 and 1159. It's closer to 1158, so 1158.23 rounded to the nearest whole number is 1158.

Round 1158.23 to the nearest 100: 1158.23 is between the hundreds 1100 and 1200; it's closer to 1200, so 1158.23 rounded to the nearest 100 is 1100

Round 1158.23 to the nearest 1000: 1158.23 is between 1000 and 2000, but it's closer to 1000, so 1158.23 rounded to the nearest 1000 is 1000.