Does the sentence make sense:

Sweat formed on the palms of my hands.



Yes, the sentence "Sweat formed on the palms of my hands" makes sense. It describes the physical sensation of sweat appearing on the palms of someone's hands.

To understand whether a sentence makes sense, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the sentence carefully: Start by reading the sentence to comprehend its structure and meaning.

2. Identify the key words: Identify the main subject, verb, and object in the sentence. In this case, the subject is "sweat," the verb is "formed," and the object is "on the palms of my hands."

3. Consider the context: Think about the context in which the sentence is used and whether it aligns with that context. Here, the sentence describes a physical reaction of sweating, which is a common response to various factors such as heat, stress, or anxiety.

By analyzing the sentence in these steps, you can determine whether it makes sense and understand its intended meaning.