
I am working on some Nth problems - can anyone tell me if this is correct :-

Nth term sequence is n + 4 are the first three terms


A nth term is 85 - 5n are the first three terms of the sequence

17, 34, 51,

A nth term is 2n - 0.5 are the first three terms of the sequence

2.0 1.5, 1

Thank you !!


first one is correct

term(1) = 85 - 5(1) = 80
term(2) = 85 - 5(2) = 75
term(3) = .... = 70

term(n) = 2n - 0.5
term(1) = 2 - .5 = 1.5
term(2) = 4 - .5 = 3.5
term (3) = 6 - .5 = 5.5

Thank you ...

Hi Andy,

Let's go through each Nth term sequence and check if they are correct:

1) The Nth term sequence is n + 4, with the first three terms as 5, 6, and 7.
To check if this is correct, we can see that each term is obtained by adding 1 to the previous term: 5 + 1 = 6, 6 + 1 = 7. So, the sequence follows the pattern correctly.
Therefore, the Nth term sequence n + 4 is correct.

2) The Nth term sequence is 85 - 5n, with the first three terms as 17, 34, and 51.
To check if this is correct, we can substitute the value of n in the Nth term formula and see if it matches the corresponding term.
For the first term: 85 - 5(1) = 85 - 5 = 80 (not 17)
For the second term: 85 - 5(2) = 85 - 10 = 75 (not 34)
For the third term: 85 - 5(3) = 85 - 15 = 70 (not 51)
Since the actual terms do not match the ones provided in the sequence, the Nth term sequence 85 - 5n is not correct.

3) The Nth term sequence is 2n - 0.5, with the first three terms as 2.0, 1.5, and 1.
To check if this is correct, we can substitute the value of n in the Nth term formula and see if it matches the corresponding term.
For the first term: 2(1) - 0.5 = 2 - 0.5 = 1.5 (matches)
For the second term: 2(2) - 0.5 = 4 - 0.5 = 3.5 (not 1.5)
For the third term: 2(3) - 0.5 = 6 - 0.5 = 5.5 (not 1)
Since the actual terms do not match the ones provided in the sequence, the Nth term sequence 2n - 0.5 is not correct.

In conclusion, the correct Nth term sequence is n + 4, and the other two sequences provided do not match the given terms.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.