what statement describes the 1st step of ecological community it is known as?

A. reed plants attract dragonflies and mayflies.
B. frogs and snakes arive after emergent plants are established.
C.climax trees such as ash and beech appear and eventually dominate the area.
D. microscopic producers such as blue green algae and phytoplankton live on the lake surface


The statement that describes the 1st step of an ecological community is A. reed plants attract dragonflies and mayflies.

To understand this, you need to be familiar with the concept of ecological succession. Ecological succession refers to the process by which an ecosystem changes over time. It follows a predictable pattern starting from barren, lifeless areas and progressing towards a complex and stable community.

In the case of this question, the ecological community being referred to is likely a wetland or lake ecosystem. The first step in this ecological succession process is called the pioneer stage. During this stage, the environment is usually devoid of life, and pioneer species such as reed plants are the first to colonize the area.

Reed plants, with their ability to tolerate wet conditions, begin growing in the water or moist soil of the ecosystem. As they establish themselves, they create a suitable habitat for other organisms to thrive. In this case, the reed plants attract dragonflies and mayflies, which are commonly seen near water bodies as they require moist environments to complete their lifecycle.

Therefore, option A is the correct statement that describes the 1st step of ecological community formation.