In a village with 4300 people, 1 in 90 males has a condition called 5-ARD that causes men to be pseudo-hermaphroditic.

What is the frequency of autosomal recessive 5-ARD allele in this village, assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

To calculate the frequency of autosomal recessive 5-ARD allele in the village, we can use the Hardy-Weinberg equation for calculating allele frequencies. The equation is:

p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1

p = frequency of the dominant allele
q = frequency of the recessive allele

In this case, we want to find the frequency of the recessive allele q, which represents the autosomal recessive 5-ARD allele.

Given that 1 in 90 males has the condition 5-ARD, we can assume that these males are homozygous recessive (qq). This means q^2 = 1/90.

Using this information, we can solve for q:

q^2 = 1/90
q = √(1/90)
q ≈ 0.105

So the frequency of the autosomal recessive 5-ARD allele (q) in the village is approximately 0.105.