Select a company of your choice in a sector that you would like to work in. Imagine that you have to make a brief presentation on this company to business school students. Develop:-a) A general and specific statement of purpose.b) The key idea.c) Your style of delivery.

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Company Chosen: Tesla Inc. (Automotive sector)

a) General Statement of Purpose:
The general statement of purpose for the presentation on Tesla Inc. to business school students would be to provide an overview of the company's mission, strategies, and impact on the automotive industry. The aim is to inspire the students by showcasing how Tesla has disrupted the traditional automotive sector through innovation and sustainability, thus emphasizing the importance of forward-thinking business strategies.

Specific Statement of Purpose:
The specific statement of purpose for the presentation on Tesla Inc. would be to analyze the key factors contributing to the company's success, such as its unique business model, technological advancements, sustainable practices, and market positioning. The objective is to educate students about the various aspects that have distinguished Tesla in the highly competitive automotive industry.

b) Key Idea:
The key idea to focus on during the presentation would be "Transforming the Automotive Industry through Innovation and Sustainability." This idea encapsulates how Tesla has revolutionized the automotive sector by introducing electric vehicles, advanced autonomous driving technologies, and sustainable energy solutions. It highlights the company's efforts to create an eco-friendly and efficient transportation ecosystem, leading to a positive impact on the environment and consumer experience.

c) Style of Delivery:
To effectively deliver the presentation on Tesla Inc., a passionate and engaging style is recommended. You can start by captivating the audience with a powerful introduction that emphasizes the significance of sustainability and innovation in the contemporary business landscape. Utilize visual aids, such as graphs and infographics, to present data and statistics supporting Tesla's achievements and market position. Incorporate real-life examples and success stories that showcase the company's impact on the automotive industry. Use a mix of storytelling, case studies, and interactive discussion to keep the audience engaged and encourage their participation. Lastly, conclude the presentation by emphasizing the potential career opportunities available within Tesla and inspire the students to think critically and creatively in their own business ventures.