is 754 9471 relativly prime people?

Question makes no sense.

Yes, they are relatively prime. 754 has factrs of 2, 13, and 29. 9471 has factors of 3, 7, 11, and 41

To determine if two numbers are relatively prime, we need to check if they have any common prime factors. In this case, the two numbers are 754 and 9471.

To find the prime factors of a number, we can start by dividing it by the smallest prime number (which is 2), and then continue dividing by increasing prime numbers until the quotient is 1.

Let's determine the prime factors of 754:
754 ÷ 2 = 377
377 ÷ 13 = 29

Therefore, the prime factors of 754 are 2, 13, and 29.

Now let's find the prime factors of 9471:
9471 ÷ 3 = 3157
3157 is a prime number itself.

Hence, the prime factors of 9471 are only 3 and 3157.

Since the prime factor lists of 754 and 9471 do not have any common factors, we can conclude that 754 and 9471 are relatively prime.