Maria drove 3 hours and 30 minutes in a dust storm. When the dust cleared she inccreased her speed by 35 mph and drove for 4 more hours. If she traveled a total of 365 miles, how fast did she drive during the dust storm?

during the second period, she traveled 35*4 miles

miles during the first perios=365-above

howfast: miles during period1/time

time was 3.5 hrs

30 mph

What is the steps and the answer


To solve this problem, we can use the formula: Distance = Speed × Time.

Let's break down the information provided:
1. Maria drove for 3 hours and 30 minutes during the dust storm.
2. After the dust cleared, she increased her speed by 35 mph and drove for 4 more hours.
3. The total distance Maria traveled is 365 miles.

Let's calculate the distance she traveled during the dust storm:
Distance in the dust storm = Speed during the dust storm × Time during the dust storm

We're given that Maria drove for 3 hours and 30 minutes during the dust storm, which is equivalent to 3.5 hours.

Distance in the dust storm = Speed during the dust storm × 3.5 hours

Next, let's calculate the distance she traveled after the dust storm cleared:
Distance after the dust storm = (Speed during the dust storm + 35 mph) × 4 hours

The total distance traveled is the sum of the two distances:
Total distance = Distance in the dust storm + Distance after the dust storm

Now we can solve for the speed during the dust storm:
Total distance = (Speed during the dust storm × 3.5 hours) + ((Speed during the dust storm + 35 mph) × 4 hours)

Given that the total distance traveled is 365 miles, we can plug in this value and solve for the speed during the dust storm.

365 miles = (Speed during the dust storm × 3.5) + ((Speed during the dust storm + 35) × 4)

Simplifying the equation:

365 = 3.5x + 4(x + 35)

365 = 3.5x + 4x + 140

365 = 7.5x + 140

Rearranging the equation:

7.5x = 365 - 140

7.5x = 225

Dividing both sides by 7.5:

x = 225 / 7.5

x = 30

Therefore, Maria was driving at a speed of 30 mph during the dust storm.