A salesperson has two job offers. Company A offers a weekly salary of $150 plus commission of 6% of sales. Company B offers a weekly salary of $300 plus commission of 3% of sales. What is the amount of sales above which Company A's offer is the better of the two?


To determine the amount of sales above which Company A's offer is better than Company B's, we need to find the point where the earnings from Company A exceed the earnings from Company B.

Let's first calculate the earnings for each company based on the given information:

For Company A:
Weekly salary: $150
Commission rate: 6% of sales

For Company B:
Weekly salary: $300
Commission rate: 3% of sales

Let's assume the amount of sales is 'x'.

For Company A, the total earnings can be calculated using the formula:
Earnings from Company A = Weekly salary + Commission on sales
Earnings from Company A = $150 + (6% of x)

For Company B, the total earnings can be calculated using the formula:
Earnings from Company B = Weekly salary + Commission on sales
Earnings from Company B = $300 + (3% of x)

Now, we have the two equations to compare the earnings of both companies:

Earnings from Company A = $150 + (6% of x)
Earnings from Company B = $300 + (3% of x)

To find the amount of sales above which Company A's offer is better, we need to solve the inequality:

Earnings from Company A > Earnings from Company B

Let's substitute the formulas with the respective variables:

$150 + (6% of x) > $300 + (3% of x)

Now, let's solve the inequality:

$150 + (0.06x) > $300 + (0.03x)

Subtracting $150 from both sides:

(0.06x) - (0.03x) > $300 - $150


0.03x > $150

Dividing both sides by 0.03:

x > $150 / 0.03

x > $5,000

Therefore, the amount of sales must be above $5,000 for Company A's offer to be better than Company B's offer.