how would you use the allusion "Manna" in a sentence?

Mitt saw the voting results in Arizona, it was manna to his devoted followers.


Mitt saw the voting results in Arizona; it was manna to his devoted followers

I'm a weirdo.

To use the allusion "Manna" in a sentence, you can incorporate a reference to the biblical story of manna in the desert. Here's an example:

"After days of wandering in the scorching desert, the group stumbled upon an oasis, and the fresh water there felt like manna from heaven."

If you're unfamiliar with the story of manna, here's a brief explanation on how to use this allusion in a sentence:

1. Understand the allusion: Manna is a substance mentioned in the Bible, specifically in the book of Exodus. According to the story, after the Israelites escaped from Egypt, they wandered in the wilderness. During this time, God provided them with a miraculous source of nourishment known as manna, which fell from heaven like bread.

2. Find relevant context: Identify a situation where something unexpected, beneficial, or highly desirable is discovered or encountered, similar to the way the Israelites found manna in the desert.

3. Incorporate the allusion: Integrate the term "manna" into your sentence to convey the experience of stumbling upon something highly valued or unexpected.