Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory is often explained by using a diagram that looks like a target with the individual in the bull's eye position. What is his point?

A. The individual is a constant target for negative influences of a hostile environment. The bull's eye diagram serves as a warning to parents and caregivers to closely watch their children.

B. The individual develops as a part of an interconnected environmental network, which affects and is affected by the individual in a variety of ways. Context matters.

C. All development comes from outside the individual. It takes a village to raise a child, so the entire village should be trained to deal with whatever might happen so that the child doesn't become a target for negative influences.

D. The individual stands alone at the center of forces beyond his control. The individual has no influence on cultural institutions, so the dimension of time is of the utmost importance.

Please help! Im going with C

Thanks for spelling psychology correctly. :-)

I disagree with your answer.

Is the right answer possibly B?

The correct answer is B. According to Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory, the individual develops as part of an interconnected environmental network, which affects and is affected by the individual in a variety of ways. The bull's eye diagram used to explain the theory represents different levels or systems of influence on an individual's development.

The innermost circle of the target represents the microsystem, which includes the immediate environments in which the individual lives, such as family, school, and peers. The next circle represents the mesosystem, which involves the interactions between different microsystems, like when family and school experiences overlap. The outer circles represent the exosystem, which includes environments that indirectly affect the individual, such as parents' workplace or community services, and the macrosystem, which represents the broader cultural and social values, laws, and customs.

The bull's eye diagram highlights the idea that the individual is not isolated but exists within a web of interconnected systems that influence their development. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the contextual factors and the dynamic interactions between the individual and their environment.

So, in summary, the correct answer is B: The individual develops as part of an interconnected environmental network, which affects and is affected by the individual in a variety of ways. Context matters.