Farmer Joe has a square piece of property surrounded by a fence. On 0.5 of the fenced property there is corn growing. On 0.6 of the remaining fenced area there are tomatoes planted. Which expression can be used to determine how much of the fenced area has tomatoes planted on it?



0.95 * 0.6 = 0.57 = 57%

if fenced area is 1,

.5 has corn, leaving .5 remaining

.6 of .5 has tomatoes, so yes, .5*.6 = 30% has tomatoes.

Not sure where the 95% came from, unless misreading the problem as 5% has corn.

To determine how much of the fenced area has tomatoes planted on it, we can start by calculating the area of the entire fenced property. Let's assume the side length of the square property is represented by "s".

The area of a square can be calculated by multiplying the length of one side by itself. Therefore, the area of the square property is s * s = s^2.

Now, we know that on 0.5 of the fenced property, there is corn growing. This means that half of the entire fenced area is used for growing corn. Therefore, the amount of the fenced area used for growing corn is 0.5 * s^2.

Next, we are given that on 0.6 of the remaining fenced area, there are tomatoes planted. This means that after accounting for the corn, we need to calculate the remaining area of the fenced property and then take 0.6 of that. The remaining area is the difference between the entire fenced area and the area used for corn, which is s^2 - (0.5 * s^2) = 0.5 * s^2.

Therefore, the amount of the fenced area with tomatoes planted is 0.6 * (0.5 * s^2), which can be simplified to 0.3 * s^2.

So, the expression that can be used to determine how much of the fenced area has tomatoes planted on it is 0.3 * s^2.