solve dT/t=k(T-Tm(t)) using laplace transformation, where Tm=50+20U(t-h) and where U = unit step function.

To solve the given differential equation using Laplace transformation, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Take the Laplace transformation of both sides of the equation.
Step 2: Replace the derivatives with the corresponding Laplace variables.
Step 3: Solve the resulting algebraic equation for the Laplace transform of T(t).
Step 4: Use the inverse Laplace transform to obtain the solution in the time domain if needed.

Let's go through the steps in detail:

Step 1: Take the Laplace transformation of both sides of the equation:

L{dT/dt} = L{k(T - Tm(t))}

Where L{} represents the Laplace transformation.

Step 2: Replace the derivatives with the corresponding Laplace variables:

sL{T} - T(0) = k (L{T} - L{Tm(t)})

Where s is the Laplace variable and T(0) represents the initial condition of T(t), i.e., the value of T at t = 0.

Step 3: Solve the resulting algebraic equation for the Laplace transform of T(t):

sL{T} - T(0) = k (L{T} - L{Tm(t)})

sL{T} - kL{T} = k( L{Tm(t)} - T(0))

Factor out T in the left-hand side:

(s - k) L{T} = k( L{Tm(t)} - T(0))

Divide through by (s - k):

L{T} = k( L{Tm(t)} - T(0)) / (s - k)

Step 4: Use the inverse Laplace transform to obtain the solution in the time domain:

Apply the inverse Laplace transform to both sides of the equation to get the expression for T(t):

T(t) = L^-1 { k( L{Tm(t)} - T(0)) / (s - k) }

Now, given that Tm(t) = 50 + 20U(t-h), where U(t-h) is the unit step function, we can substitute it into the equation:

T(t) = L^-1 { k( L{50 + 20U(t-h)} - T(0)) / (s - k) }

By manipulating the Laplace transforms of U(t-h) and substituting their inverse transforms, you can simplify the equation further.