I read the book Ella Minnow Pea for school... And I actually enjoyed it! But I have to answer some questions about it and I'm not quite sure what I am suppose to be answering. Do you understand these questions better than me? Here they are!

Identify the stylistic devices that the author uses throughout the novel.

What is the author’s tone? How is that tone accomplished? Does it change?

What is the author’s attitude and purpose? How is that attitude and purpose accomplished?

What strategies or techniques does the author use to connect with the reader?

I guess I'm not sure what I am looking for... Have any of you read the book? Any and all help is GREATLY appriciated. Don't be rude though please :) Remember the Golden Rule!

Sorry im 4 years late

Sorry im 7 years late

I haven't personally read the book "Ella Minnow Pea," but I can help you understand what these questions are asking and provide some guidance on how to approach them.

1. Identify the stylistic devices that the author uses throughout the novel:
Stylistic devices refer to the techniques and tools an author uses to enhance their writing and convey meaning. These can include literary devices such as metaphors, similes, imagery, symbolism, allusions, personification, and more. To answer this question, you need to look for instances in the novel where the author employs these devices to create a particular effect or enhance the story's meaning.

2. What is the author’s tone? How is that tone accomplished? Does it change?
The author's tone refers to the attitude or emotion that the author conveys towards the subject matter of the book. To identify the tone, pay attention to how the author describes events, portrays characters, and sets the overall mood. Does the author use humor, sarcasm, or seriousness? Does the tone remain consistent throughout the novel, or does it shift at certain points? Look for specific examples in the text to support your analysis.

3. What is the author’s attitude and purpose? How is that attitude and purpose accomplished?
The author's attitude refers to their personal viewpoint or stance on the subject matter, while the purpose is the author's intended goal or message. To determine the author's attitude and purpose, consider the themes, conflicts, and messages the book explores. Ask yourself what the author is trying to convey or achieve through the story. Look for recurring motifs, character arcs, and the overall structure of the novel, as they often reveal the author's attitude and purpose.

4. What strategies or techniques does the author use to connect with the reader?
This question is focused on how the author engages the reader and establishes a connection. Look for narrative techniques that make the story relatable, emotional, or thought-provoking. For example, the use of realistic dialogue, vivid descriptions, engaging characters, or creating suspense and tension can all help to connect with the reader. Identifying specific examples and explaining how they contribute to the reader's engagement will strengthen your answer.

Remember to support your answers with specific examples from the book to provide evidence for your analysis. If you're still unsure about certain aspects, it might be helpful to browse through the book or seek summaries or analysis from reputable sources to gain more insight.