Evaluate the extent to which the Articles of Confederation were effetive in solving the problems that confronted the new nation.

Does anywone know where I can find the answer to this? I have to type a whole page on it so I need a lot of information... please and thank you! No rude comments please.

To evaluate the extent to which the Articles of Confederation were effective in solving the problems that confronted the new nation, you can employ the following steps:

1. Start by familiarizing yourself with the Articles of Confederation. Read through the original document, which can be found on various online sources, such as government archives or educational websites.

2. Next, identify the problems that posed challenges to the new nation during the period when the Articles of Confederation were in effect. These problems could include economic issues, such as a lack of a national currency or the inability to regulate trade; political challenges, like a weak central government and limited powers; and social issues, including difficulties in achieving unity among the states.

3. Once you have identified the problems, gather information on how the Articles of Confederation addressed or attempted to solve each issue. Examine the specific provisions within the document that aimed to tackle these challenges. For instance, Article IX dealt with economic matters, while Articles II and III discussed political structure and powers.

4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the Articles of Confederation for each problem. Consider the extent to which the provisions in the document successfully resolved the issues or whether they fell short. Look for evidence from historical sources, such as primary documents from the time period, debates among the founding fathers, or scholarly articles analyzing this era of American history.

5. Seek out different perspectives on the topic. Read opinions and analyses from historians, political scientists, and other experts to gain a well-rounded understanding of the topic. This will help you consider different viewpoints and strengthen your evaluation of the Articles of Confederation.

6. Once you gather all the necessary information, use the facts and evidence you have collected to form a well-supported evaluation of the effectiveness of the Articles of Confederation. Consider presenting both sides of the argument, discussing any limitations or weaknesses of the document, and offering examples to support your analysis.

In terms of where to find information, you can utilize various sources, such as academic journals, history textbooks, online databases, government archives, and educational websites. These resources often provide detailed analyses and primary sources that can aid in your research.

Remember to cite your sources accurately to give credit to the authors and to avoid plagiarism. Writing a whole page on this topic will require extensive research, critical thinking, and organization. Take your time to understand the subject matter thoroughly and construct a well-structured and supported argument.

I'm sure your textbook has all of the information you need.