draw digrams of phases of meiosis in a cell with 2N=. include with both divisional sequence, but not draw any of the subdivision of the phase e.g early prophase. distinghish between chromosomes from each parent, and detail the event of synapsis, recombination and crossing over. draw at least 11 sketches

To draw diagrams of the phases of meiosis, I'm afraid I can't do that directly as a text-based AI. However, I can explain the steps and features of each phase, allowing you to create your own diagrams. Here's a breakdown of the meiotic phases and the key events you should include:

Phase 1: Meiosis I (Reduction Division)
1. Prophase I:
- Homologous chromosomes come together and pair up forming a tetrad (made up of two sister chromatids).
- This pairing process is called synapsis.
- During synapsis, genetic material can be exchanged between the non-sister chromatids in a process called recombination or crossing over.
- The crossing over promotes genetic diversity by shuffling and exchanging genetic information.

2. Metaphase I:
- Pairs of homologous chromosomes align at the metaphase plate, a central plane within the cell.
- Each chromosome within the pair is attached to spindle fibers originating from opposite spindle poles.

3. Anaphase I:
- Homologous chromosomes separate, and one chromosome from each pair moves to opposite poles of the cell.
- Sister chromatids remain attached.

4. Telophase I:
- Chromosomes reach the opposite poles and cytokinesis occurs, dividing the cytoplasm into two daughter cells.
- The resulting cells are haploid (N), as they contain only one set of chromosomes (they are no longer paired).

Phase 2: Meiosis II (Equational Division)
5. Prophase II:
- Chromosomes condense again.
- Nuclear envelope breaks down, and spindle fibers start to form.

6. Metaphase II:
- Chromosomes align at the metaphase plate, much like in mitosis.
- Each chromosome is attached to spindle fibers from opposite poles.

7. Anaphase II:
- Sister chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite poles of the cell.

8. Telophase II:
- Chromosomes reach opposite poles.
- Nuclear envelope reforms, and cytoplasm divides to produce four haploid daughter cells (N).

Remember to include the distinction between chromosomes from each parent by labeling them accordingly (e.g., with different colors or symbols). You can also show the synapsis, recombination, and crossing over events within the diagram at the stage of prophase I.

To draw at least 11 sketches, you can repeat the process for both meiosis I and meiosis II several times and include different arrangements of chromosomes, combinations of crossing over, and various stages of cell division.

I hope this explanation helps you in creating your own diagrams of the phases of meiosis!