Charlie estimated 293-44 and got a difference of about 250 Is this a reasonable estimate? Explain

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Charlie estimated 293-44 and got a difference of about 250.Is this resonable estimate? Explane.

To determine if Charlie's estimate of 293-44 is reasonable, we can use a mental math technique called rounding. Here's how you can do it yourself:

1. Firstly, round 293 to the nearest ten, which is 290. We can round up or down based on whether the digit in the units place is 5 or greater (in this case, it is 3, so we round down).
2. Next, round 44 to the nearest ten, which is 40. Again, we round down because the digit in the units place is 4.
3. Now, subtract the rounded values: 290 - 40 = 250.

Based on this process, Charlie's estimate of 293-44 resulting in approximately 250 seems to be a reasonable estimate. However, it's important to note that it is an estimate, and the actual answer to 293-44 is 249. So, Charlie's estimate is only one unit larger than the actual difference.