In "The Adventure of Dying Detective" what is Mr. Culbertson Smith's motivation?

A) To become Sherlock Holmes' partner
B) To kill Sherlock Holmes so that he can get away with Savage's murder
C) To frame Sherlock Holmes for Savage's murder
D) To poison Watson in order to get away with Savage's murder?

To determine Mr. Culbertson Smith's motivation in "The Adventure of Dying Detective," we need to refer to the source material, which is the story itself.

First, let's break down the options given:

A) To become Sherlock Holmes' partner: This option is not mentioned in the story and is not a relevant motivation for Mr. Culbertson Smith.

B) To kill Sherlock Holmes so that he can get away with Savage's murder: This option could be possible, but it would be prudent to explore the other options to make a conclusive judgment.

C) To frame Sherlock Holmes for Savage's murder: This option is not mentioned in the story, so it can be ruled out.

D) To poison Watson in order to get away with Savage's murder: To verify if this is the correct motivation, we need to consult the story.

In "The Adventure of Dying Detective," Mr. Culbertson Smith is not involved in Savage's murder, nor does he have any motivation related to it. Therefore, none of the given options accurately describe Mr. Culbertson Smith's motivation.

In order to find the accurate motivation of a character, it is crucial to analyze the story's details, such as the character's actions, dialogues, and interactions with other characters.