Which lines are characteristic of an elegy?

A.(They came like shamefaced jackals, their shields / In their hands, to the place where the prince lay dead, / And waited for Wiglaf to speak.)

B.(Too few of his warriors remembered / To come, when our lord faced death, alone.)

C. (And then twelve of the bravest Geats / Rode their horses around the tower, / Telling their sorrow, telling stories / Of their dead king and his greatness, his glory...)

D.(Then that brave king gave his golden / Necklace from around his throat to Wiglaf, / Gave him his gold-covered helmet, and his rings, / And his mail shirt, and ordered him to use them well...)

I'm thinking the answer for this question is B.

Thanks for the help.


Read all and read carefully - then let us know what you think.

You are correct, option B is characteristic of an elegy.

An elegy is a poem or song that expresses sorrow or lamentation for the loss of someone or something. It typically reflects on the past and memorializes the person or thing being mourned.

In option B, the lines "Too few of his warriors remembered / To come, when our lord faced death, alone" convey a sense of lamentation and sadness for the loss of the lord and the lack of support shown by his warriors. This reflects the mournful and reflective tone often found in elegies.

Options A, C, and D do not quite capture the same elegiac qualities. Option A describes the actions of jackals and warriors but does not necessarily convey a sense of sorrow or mourning. Option C describes the telling of stories and sorrow but does not directly express grief. Option D describes the king giving away his belongings but does not focus on loss or mourning.

Therefore, based on the characteristic elements of an elegy, option B is the most appropriate choice.