A used bookstore sells paperback fiction books in excellent condition for 2.50$ and In fair conditions for 0.50$. Write an expression for the cost of buying (e) excellent condition paperback and (f) fair condition paperback.

$2.50e + $.50f = cost

To write an expression for the cost of buying (e) excellent condition paperback books, you can multiply the number of books by the price per book, which is $2.50. This can be represented as 2.50e.

For fair condition paperback books, the expression would be similar. Multiply the number of books by the price per book, which is $0.50. This can be represented as 0.50f.

So, the expressions are:

Cost of buying excellent condition paperback books (e): 2.50e
Cost of buying fair condition paperback books (f): 0.50f