when children do print alphabet letters,among the easiest to print are:

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O and L

When children first learn to print alphabet letters, the easiest ones to start with are typically the ones that have simple shapes and require minimal hand movements. Here are a few of the easiest alphabet letters to print:

1. Letter A: To print the letter A, start by drawing a slanted line from the top left to the bottom right. Then, draw another slanted line from the top right to the bottom left, crossing over the first line at the center to form a triangle.

2. Letter B: To print the letter B, start by drawing a straight vertical line from top to bottom. Then, form a half-circle starting from the top of the line, curving it almost all the way around, and ending with a small straight line at the base.

3. Letter C: To print the letter C, simply draw a curved line from top to bottom, starting from the left side and curving towards the right.

4. Letter E: To print the letter E, begin with a vertical line from top to bottom. Then, draw a horizontal line from left to right, slightly above the center of the vertical line. Finally, draw another horizontal line parallel to the first, but slightly below it.

5. Letter H: To print the letter H, draw two parallel vertical lines, one on the left and one on the right. Then, connect them with a horizontal line in the center.

These are just a few examples of easy-to-print alphabet letters. Remember, the more children practice, the better they will become at printing all the letters of the alphabet!